Got More Love and Logic® Questions?

New!  Register for Becoming a Love and Logic Parent® Refresher Classes for families who have completed the Becoming a Love and Logic Parent® workshop or private sessions!  Sign up for this refresher class and bring your questions.  We will cover the most common pitfalls and share techniques…

Handling Disrespect

This week has been interesting. My 8 year old daughter wrote a very disrespectful note to her brother and had been running off at the mouth as well. It bothered both her father and I tremendously. We didn't really know what to do so....we DELAYED the CONSEQUENCES and said "This stinks. (notice…

No More Arguments!

Have your kids learned the fine art of how to get you to argue with them?  If they are worth their salt, then they probably have! When your kids are looking for an argument, remember this quick little tip...Don't Engage and Don't Argue with the Ridiculous! Learn how to neutralize your child's…